Last post: January 12th, 2012. Today's date? June 29th. What's good.
So I finally have my motorcycle permit, took the test just yesterday. Thanks to Jason Frick we got the beast fired up and in running condition. Only took some some either spray >.< We (when I say "we" I mean Jason either did it or told me what to do) also removed the airbox which opened it up beautifully. It was damn near impossible to remove the airbox with the carbs in the way, and they too had to be removed completely.
After putting the carb back on and starting it back up, I officially rode my bike for the first time ever. Granted it was only about 10 feet at a time, and never broke 5mph ... still a first ride though. The weather was getting cloudy and decided against taking it out to a parking lot. Poor Jason had to ride home in the rain, but he claims it was refreshing.
Below are some images from the day, no particular order.
Totally Stoked! Don't let me down!